Over 34 years of raising champion Cocker Spaniels

Astrid is pictured here with her lovely boy Bullitt ~
Multi International BEST IN SHOW, Multi American BEST IN SPECIALTY SHOW,
Bronze Grand Ch. Sunhaven American Ride CGC BN RN CGC
He was pictured on the home page of the AKC web site
representing the Cocker Spaniel for 2016.

"I began showing American Cocker Spaniels
in the 1980s as an owner-handler.
Over the years I began to show other breeds.
As a professional handler, I have had the privilege of showing
American Staffordshire Terriers, Brittanys, Chinese Sharpeis,
English Cocker Spaniels and Bernese Mountain Dogs to name a few.
One of my first noteworthy dogs was a red & white Parti,
Ch. Sunhaven Ready N Raring -
'Ready' won Best By Exhibitor in Show
at the 1989 ASC Summer National, owned and shown by myself."
It is our hope that we can be a positive force in the AKC Purebred Dog
world by breeding sound,
healthy, well-tempered dogs that represent their breeds.
We acknowledge the breeders who came before us
and hope to build upon their dreams and hard work.
If you are interested in a quality pet/companion or a show cocker spaniel,
we would be happy to help you.
If we do not have anything available, we are always happy to provide referrals.

Astrid Lawrence
Northern Washington State
(425) 891-4870